New Brunswick

Travel Guide

Map of Canada

This charming maritime province might just be one of Canada’s most underrated destinations.. It’s home to the world’s largest tides, some of the best whale watching in the world, a variety of cool landscapes, the warmest saltwater swimming in Canada, and the only province that’s officially bilingual in French and English. It’s also conveniently located in-between Quebec, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia, as well as the U.S. state of Maine, making it an easy place to get to. 

While it does have some charming cities that are wonderful to explore, including Saint John, which is the oldest incorporated city in Canada, it’s truly special for all the wonderful natural attractions, including hiking trails, incredible kayaking opportunities, waterfalls, and seaside villages.

So whether you’re looking to explore the many historic sites, cities, or natural wonders, learn more about this Maritime province in our travel guides and videos below.


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