What started out as a crazy idea became a dream come true!
After years of travelling the world, we noticed that both Canada and Canadians have a special place in people’s hearts and with the celebrations coming up for Canada’s 150th birthday back in 2017, we decided to embark on a journey across Canada and discover what makes Canada such a special country.
Canada’s Road to 150 was a 150-day nation-wide multimedia road trip celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday by exploring the uniqueness of this country provincially and collectively while answering the question: What makes Canada special?
The trip was a huge success, driving from coast to coast to coast and jumping in the three oceans: The Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific Ocean.
The road trip started on May 15th, 2017 at Canada’s most easterly point in Newfoundland and ended on October 11th, 2017 back in our home city of Calgary, Alberta.

There’s no way we could see everything in 150 days, but we did capture some of the best things to do in Canada!
We drove to and through every drive-able province and territory (There are no roads to Nunavut), showcasing Canada’s natural beauty and regional attractions while interviewing Canadians of all cultures and backgrounds, including local celebrities, immigrants, refugees, and everyday rural and urban Canadians.
Our aim was to dig deep into what makes Canada such an incredibly inspiring country while showing off some of the best of Canada’s tourism to Canadians and to the world.
With hundreds of thousands of followers, Must Do Canada is now one of the biggest Canadian YouTube shows in the country and a Top Canadian Travel Blog.
This trip was entirely coordinated, organized and hosted by us (Matt and Karla) but wouldn’t be possible without our videographer Justin Brunelle and the support of all of our sponsors. Thank you!